How To Rank AI Content In Google (With Proof!)

Can AI content rank on Google? Many people will say that it can’t but I found much different results.

I have done testing on a brand new site with ZERO backlinks, and my AI content consistently ranks in the top 50 for it’s search terms. Again, this is on a new site with no links to it. Mix in some quality backlinks and a bit of time, and I would expect those rankings to go up dramtically.

However, I do not use just plain AI content create from ChatGPT or similar. I use a specialized tool and I modify the process quite a bit.

You can see my step-by-step process for ranking AI content on Google in the video below:

How To Rank AI Content In Google – Step-By-Step Walkthrough


AffiliNinja – easily add Amazon product boxes to your content

Koala Writer – best AI niche content writing tool

In my opinion, the quality of content that Koala Writer creates is a big key to the rankings. The content is extremely well done and much different then what you would get straight from ChatGPT. Koala Writer will go out and analyze the top rankings for the search term and compile an outline for the article.

From there, you can make edits, add prompts, and move sections around…creating a very unique and almost human like piece of content.

In addition, I like to add low competition “Questions” related to the keyword from Ahrefs to make the article more comprehensive and very on target SEO wise.

Lastly, I spice up the content with great looking Amazon affiliate product boxes with our AffiliNinja software. Not only does this help the content stand out, but our testing has shown that our products boxes convert much better than standard Amazon affiliate links.

When you put this all together, it creates top notch niche content that continues to rank time and time again.


AffiliNinja – easily add Amazon product boxes to your content

Koala Writer – best AI niche content writing tool

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